Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de close

to closecerrar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I closeyo cierro
you closetú cierras
he closesél cierra
she closesella cierra
we closenosotros cerramos
you closevosotros cerráis
they closeellos cierran
they closeellas cierran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I closedyo cerré
you closedtú cerraste
he closedél cerró
she closedella cerró
we closednosotros cerramos
you closedvosotros cerrasteis
they closedellos cerraron
they closedellas cerraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have closedyo he cerrado
you have closedtú has cerrado
he has closedél ha cerrado
she has closedella ha cerrado
we have closednosotros hemos cerrado
you have closedvosotros habéis cerrado
they have closedellos han cerrado
they have closedellas han cerrado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had closedyo había cerrado
you had closedtú habías cerrado
he had closedél había cerrado
she had closedella había cerrado
we had closednosotros habíamos cerrado
you had closedvosotros habíais cerrado
they had closedellos habían cerrado
they had closedellas habían cerrado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will closeyo cerraré
you will closetú cerrarás
he will closeél cerrará
she will closeella cerrará
we will closenosotros cerraremos
you will closevosotros cerraréis
they will closeellos cerrarán
they will closeellas cerrarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have closedyo habré cerrado
you will have closedtú habrás cerrado
he will have closedél habrá cerrado
she will have closedella habrá cerrado
we will have closednosotros habremos cerrado
you will have closedvosotros habréis cerrado
they will have closedellos habrán cerrado
they will have closedellas habrán cerrado

I would closeyo cerraría
you would closetú cerrarías
he would closeél cerraría
she would closeella cerraría
we would closenosotros cerraríamos
you would closevosotros cerraríais
they would closeellos cerrarían
they would closeellas cerrarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have closedyo habría cerrado
you would have closedtú habrías cerrado
he would have closedél habría cerrado
she would have closedella habría cerrado
we would have closednosotros habríamos cerrado
you would have closedvosotros habríais cerrado
they would have closedellos habrían cerrado
they would have closedellas habrían cerrado

Participio presenteAnotado
closing cerrando

Participio pasadoAnotado
closed cerrado

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